How to Stage Your Home for Maximum Appeal
Staging your home correctly can make all the difference. From de-personalizing and decluttering to a deep clean, learn how to maximize your home sale.

Simple Living Trends for Seniors
There are so many choices of living options for seniors. This new simple living trend presents an interesting and advantageous option to many seniors. Learn what type of housing may work for you.

The Importance of Getting Your Hearing Checked
Hearing loss is a very common and often untreated issue for older adults. Learn why getting you hearing checked now can have benefits for your health in the future.

Aging in Place and Why You Need to Think About it Now
Once you reach a certain age, the subject of senior housing is going to come up. Your peers make changes. Family members start asking about your plans. Everyone seems to want you to do something. Learn about your options.

Reducing the Risk of Falling as We Age
At a rate of one in four, falling is one of the most serious threats to our health as we age. Falling can cause broken bones, head injuries, and loss of mobility which can have serious long-term impact on senior health. Learn how to prevent falls as you get older.

How to Keep Your Brain Happy, Healthy, and Strong as You Age
Use it or lose it. We hear that phrase a lot when it comes to keeping our bodies healthy and strong. It is just as true for keeping our brains healthy as we age. Learn what you can do to keep your brain happy and strong as you get older.

How to Manage the Stress of Moving
It’s no secret that moving is stressful, from the avalanche of tasks to the emotional aspect of moving. The things we have in our home are a storehouse of memories which can bring up a range of feelings. Manage the burden of moving with these tips.

Intergenerational Living and Its Benefits
When you hear the term senior housing, you probably think of housing that caters to the specific needs of seniors, typically by moving seniors towards age-specific communities. However, where family relationships are emotionally healthy, intergenerational living offers benefits to everyone. See your options for intergenerational living.

How to Search for the Right Senior Living Community for You
Considering moving to a senior living community? You probably have a lot of questions. One thing is for sure, it’s never too early to start planning. Take a look at these tips to help you get started.

Why You Should Hire a Senior Move Manager
Senior move managers (SMMs) offer services to help with multiple aspects of a senior move, far beyond what moving companies typically offer. Learn how they can help your transition into your next stage of life.

The Best Way to Rehome Your Stuff When You Rightsize
We’ve all been there. In the middle of boxing and bagging your possessions for a big move, you look around and think: What am I going to do with all this STUFF? Decades of memories can add up to a lot of time sorting and agonizing about what to do with beloved possessions. See your options for rehoming your belongings.

5 Questions to Ask Before Right-Sizing Your Home in Retirement
Empty-nesters and retirees know the feeling well. Your life, which was filled with responsibilities, schedules, and people that relied upon you, has suddenly changed. Sometimes, this can lead to a desire to change up your living situation. See what you need to consider before making this decision.

Tips for Moving in Summer
When the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it is time to get ready for the busy moving season. Learn how to prepare for a seamless summer move.

The Facts About Reiki with Donna Cioffoletti
Helping families move/downsize is a major decision in their lives and can be especially difficult. Whether it's moving parents to a facility or job relocating, and downsizing it is overwhelming. Reiki is an Asian philosophy of stress reduction and relaxation techniques for adults, children, and animals.

Everything You Need to Know About Storage
Trying to find the best way to keep your stuff safe before a big move? Learn what you need to consider before deciding how you want to store your belongings, including the types of storage units and how much can fit in each size.

10 Ways to De-Stress Your Move
Moving is one of the most stressful transitions in our lives and it is not easy to decide what to do with the lifetime of memories that have accumulated over the years. There are several things that you can do to make it easier, and more manageable.

How to Move in Inclement Winter Weather
During the snowy winter season here in Ohio, a question that we get frequently from clients is “how do you protect our stuff when it’s snowing out?” This is a fair question for anyone to ask. In the moving industry we take certain precautions to protect our client’s household items when the weather isn’t cooperating.

Advice to Declutter and Pack a Home in Preparation for Sale
Prior to moving, there are several actions you can take to make the process easier and more efficient. Learn how to declutter and pack for a seamless transition.

Tips for the First Day in a Senior Living Community
For many of our clients, there is a lot of anticipation for the first day/week in their new home. Much like the first day of school, there are a lot of unknowns. From the building itself, to the staff and residents, this can be a huge change from living alone at home, or in an apartment.

Decluttering & Tips for the Holiday Season
The holidays are right around the corner! This can mean looking forward to family gatherings, fun and frolic! It can also mean a stressful time of preparation of your home and decorations. Take this opportunity to get started early, and make the most of your time and energy.

Rightsizing: One Size Does Not Fit All
Rightsizing is the conscious choice to create a positive and sustainable lifestyle that brings, peace, contentment and happiness to your life. For every individual, this looks and feels different; from the retiree that is moving to a smaller, more-manageable space to the young family that is adding to their family.

How to Handle Sibling Disagreement Over Elderly Parent Care
Caring for aging parents can bring up a lot of confusing feelings for adult children. One thing to start with is improving communication. Often there can be disagreements about the level of care a parent needs. It is best to consult a professional.

When Aging Parents and Their Children Disagree About Care
As our parents age, their ability to care for themselves diminishes. This change is hard for everyone involved. It’s made harder by clashing opinions on how to handle the growing need for elder care. If you find yourself in this situation, you are not alone.

Rightsizing vs. Downsizing Your Home in Retirement
Moving as an elder doesn’t always mean downsizing and relocating to a smaller home. Another option is right-sizing your home. Rightsizing in retirement means thinking ahead and thinking smarter about what you really want from your home.

Why You Need to Know About Senior Eye Health
Eye health is one area of senior health that sometimes get neglected. Many eye conditions develop without noticeable symptoms. Untreated, some of these can cause serious issues, so prevention is key.

What Does a Diagnosis of Dementia Mean?
For most of us, the idea of losing our cognitive faculties is downright terrifying. Dementia is a complicated disease with a steep learning curve for understanding it. Read on to learn some of the basics.

Care Options for Loved Ones with Dementia
Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses several diseases which affect memory, thinking, and behavior. It is a progressive disease with no cure. Currently, there are no known treatments that slow the progression. Learn about the options for care for loved ones with the condition.

When it’s Time for Memory Care for Elders with Dementia
What happens when your loved one can’t remain at home and needs residential care? We’ll tell you how to know when it’s time for that level of care, what to look for in a facility, and how to make the process easier for everyone.

Home Health Care Options for Seniors
Home health care. Nursing care. Home care. Assistive care. Visiting nurses. If you are confused when you hear these terms, you’re not alone. There is a whole industry of care providers that help older people stay safe and healthy in their homes.

Caring for Yourself While Caregiving for Your Parents
Caregiving for an elderly parent often means we neglect our own well-being. Learn what you can do to take care of yourself while caregiving for a loved one.

How Blue Screens Affect Eye Health
Nowadays, we all have multiple electronic devices and carry an entire computer in our pockets. Some estimate that we spend an average of 11 hours a day in front of the screen. Did you know that too much screen time can affect your eyes?

Why You Need an In-Home Safety Assessment
Though we want to stay in our homes as we age, home is the place where we are most likely to hurt ourselves as we get older. An in-home safety assessment will typically evaluate your home to identify trouble spots and make suggestions for modifications.

What You Need to Know About Financing Senior Living Expenses
Needing care—and paying for it—in our later years is frightening for most of us. We’ve rounded up some of the important information you should know about paying for senior living.

10 Things You Should Know About Long-Term Care Insurance
It’s no secret that long-term senior care is expensive. Long-term care (LTC) insurance is one way to pay for senior care. Find out if LTC insurance is for you.

10 Things to Declutter During the Holiday Season
The influx of “stuff” that comes with holidays can be overwhelming. Make room for some of the stuff that’s coming your way by decluttering these ten items before the holidays.

How to Market Your Assisted Living Program to Seniors
There are many challenges to marketing towards seniors and making sure they remember what you offer. Learn how to make your presentation stand out to your audience.

Why Continuing Care Retirement Communities Should Partner with Senior Move Managers
The transition from living independently to needing more care is difficult for seniors. Learn how senior move managers can help ease a senior’s transition to your facility.

What to Look for When Finding a New Home for Seniors
As we get older, our needs and abilities change. Sometimes, our housing situation needs to change as well to accommodate. Learn the factors that need to be included when deciding what home change best fits the needs of you or an older loved one.

How Transitioning Into Assisted Living Will Go For Your Loved One
Moving into an assisted living community can be difficult when you don't know what to expect. Learn what the process is like with Mike Nelson from Brookdale Camelot Medina, a Northeast Ohio local facility.

How to Find Senior Resources: A Guide for Geriatric Care Managers
Seniors can require a lot of different resources to keep up with their needs. Learn tips and tricks for finding quality providers and see recommendations in the Cleveland area.

What You Need To Know About Elder Lawyers
When you need help with your cardiovascular health, do you go to a foot doctor? Hopefully not! If you need your house painted, do you call a plumber? No. You’d look for a person who was skilled in your particular area of need.

How to Avoid the Most Common Scams Targeting Elders
They say society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members. If that’s the case, the number of scams targeting our elders doesn’t speak well of us. The FBI’s 2021 Elder Fraud Report states that more than 92,000 people over 60 experienced elder fraud in 2021. The average monetary loss was over $18,000 for a combined total of $1.7 billion. Most disturbing, these figures represent a 74% increase of losses in elder fraud since 2020.

Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion in Older Adults: What You Need to Know
Older adults need to be particularly careful in the heat. It’s worth noting that heat illness can occur in older people in temperatures below 85 degrees. Temperatures that reach the 90s or higher are even more concerning. In this article, we’ll look at two common heat-related illnesses—heat stroke and heat exhaustion. We’ll talk about signs to watch out for and how to respond if someone shows symptoms of either. We’ll also share tips for staying cool in the heat—and hopefully, avoid these illnesses altogether!

How Can I Make My Assisted Living Space Feel Like Home?
Moving to an assisted living facility can feel scary for a lot of reasons. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, a loss of independence. We don’t have control over many of those factors—they exist whether we want them to or not.

Harmless Clutter or Hoarding Disorder? What Home Health Aides Need to Know About Senior Hoarding
Hoarding behavior is an issue you are bound to face if you work as a home health aide. In this article, we’ll discuss hoarding and why it can be so concerning for your senior clients.

Unexplained Weight Loss in Seniors
Unexplained weight loss can indicate an undiagnosed medical condition or other health and quality of life issues that need to be addressed. Left untreated, unexplained weight loss can cause or exacerbate other health issues. Anyone experiencing unexplained weight loss should seek medical attention.

How Realtors Can Help Senior Clients Declutter Before a Move
We collect a lot of stuff throughout our lives. The older we get the more stuff we accumulate. That’s one reason why moving later in life is extra hard. It’s so challenging, a whole industry has evolved to meet the needs of seniors facing a move.

How to Help Your Senior Clients Prepare for the Challenges of Moving
Housing needs change throughout our lives. From apartments to starter houses to dream homes, we look for a home that meets our needs throughout the stages of our lives. For seniors, health and safety needs become primary concerns. When that happens, housing often needs to change. If you work with senior adults, you know that many of your clients struggle with the decision to move. Yet, every year over 3 million seniors in the U.S. make that decision. After the hard work of finding housing is complete, it’s time to face the next step: moving itself.

What the 2023 Housing Market Means for Seniors Selling Their Homes
One of the biggest decisions we make in life is whether to buy or sell a home. Selling a home in our senior years is more challenging on many levels. When you add in our current economic uncertainty, which many of us are feeling, you may be wondering if now is the right time to sell your home.

Finding a Trusted Senior Move Manager
If you found your way to this blog post, you’ve probably heard of senior move managers. You know they help older people move. You may not know what sets one senior move manager apart from another. What makes someone a good senior move manager? How do you know if a senior move manager is the right one for you?

Why We Need Senior Move Managers Now More Than Ever
Not so long ago, nobody had heard the term “senior move manager.” That’s changing. Increasingly, individuals and families turn to SMMs when an older person needs to move house. Why the change?

Tips For Moving Older Parents
Moving elderly parents is one of life’s more challenging experiences. It requires time, effort, money, and planning. If that’s not enough, it can be emotionally taxing for everyone and stress your relationship with your parents.